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December 14 (15 in Japan) videoconference |
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Joined: 2006/2/26 13:02
From US
Posts: 41
Yamanoteminami and Allen Elementary Schools had a successful December videoconference today. The sound was very good with MeetingPlaza, but the video was not of high quality. The view is so small it is very difficult to tell if our images are in focus.
Allen shared information about Thanksgiving and Christmas in Ann Arbor. Yamanoteminami told us about the recent musical concert that was presented in Sapporo. They were kind enough to send a DVD of the concert which we just received a few days ago. The fifth grade students played a few tunes with their recorders. It sounded great. Sophia recognized a song from the movie Totoro.
The Allen third grade students taught the names of a variety of school tools and supplies in English. The Yamanoteminami students taught us the Japanese words for apple, fist, and lightning(?).
We wished each other Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as we will not meet again until January 2007. Both kocho senseis, Fitzgibbon and Imazawa, chatted with each other to close the final videoconference of the year 2006.
- Dave Corsa
Posted on: 2006/12/15 2:39
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