On Tuesday, April 25, Billy Mitchell ES students collected Bugs & Soil. They were excited to be going outdoors on a clear day after an unusually long rainy season. They also were going outdoors during a time of day normally reserved for Language Arts! The combination of collecting bugs, a break in the rain and avoiding reading was a cause for loud voices and much wiggling.
In class, prior to beginning the collection outdoors, we discussed what we already knew about bugs on the Billy Mitchell ES campus. Students reported that they observed a variety of insects while out at recess. Students have found grasshoppers, a praying mantis, ladybugs, catepillars, ants and butterflies. As this was the first few hours of a temporary break in the never ending rain, students were unsure as to what insects would be found. They were certain that they would discover different types of bugs in different environments.
Students decided to explore three areas of the campus. The long grass of the soccer field, the short grass surronding a tree near the play equipment, and the dirt inside a grove of treees students refer to as the "forest." Students divided into groups of 4 and set off with meter sticks, yarn and Home Depot landscaping flags to create their 1 square meter areas for exploration.
Tall grass collection site
Short grass collection site
"Forest" collection site
Students explored their 1 square meter areas for approximately 20 minutes searching for insect life. Eventually the urge to look outside the box took over and students were chasing insects around the playground. 5 out of 6 groups were able to discover insects. The only group that did not locate insects was the short grass group. Overall we found 5 different types of insects. The most exciting discovery was the finding of a winged ant in the "forest" area.
Crane Fly
Pill Bug
Unfortunately we became so engrossed with the bug collection that students and myself completely forgot to acquire soil from the collection sites. The next day, students returned to the collection sites and shoveled up soil to be used for fast plants. As the sun had come out, and the ground lost moisture, the data collected does not reflect the environments present during bug collection.
The collection data charts for bugs and soil will be uploaded within the next few days.