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Propane delivery and the Thanksgiving Feast at THS |
Home away from home
Joined: 2006/2/26 13:02
From US
Posts: 303
So, having just resized these photographs, I'm itching to share this California lifestyle with MTP participants. The Monday prior to Thanksgiving Shoreline had an "in house" turkey bar-b-que. Two days later Tomales High had an inclusive feast and we all broke bread together. When it comes to the big truck, that 1075 number on the hazmat plate tells the world that there's a load of LP (propane or butane:liquid petrolium) on board. Way cold and under plenty of pressure. I used to deliver this nasty stuff to the farms and ranches of the Chico area when I was in graduate school. That job paid about a third more per year than my first teaching assignmen t ($7k/year in19731 to teach 6th, 7th & 8th). Time for the bell tyo ring. Enjoy the photos Best, Jim
Posted on: 2006/12/5 23:05
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