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ISD Bug collection group b |
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2006/2/26 13:02
From US
Posts: 82
On May 4, 2006, we went to the Tiger Den to research bugs and soil. We went to 3 different places at the Tiger Den. We went to a short grass area, long grass area, and leaf covered woodsy area. We found many different kinds of bugs like worms, mosquitos, ants, and others. We used gloves for digging to find bugs in the soil. We also searched to see bugs on ground. We dug the soil up and put it in a bottle and brought it to school. We found different layers of soil. Later we analyzed it. First we just looked, smelled, and felt the 2 different kinds of soil from the short grass and woods area. The woods soil was a dark color, and the grass soil was a bit lighter. The test we used on the soil is pH test and nitrogen test. We used special liquid to analyze the soil. The woodsy soil had a high pH. The nitrogen test did not work very well. Lastly we put the soil back in the bottles and added water. The soil in the bottles has a few different layers. The bottom of the bottle is clay, and the middle of the bottle is silt, and the top of the bottle had grass growing. We were surprised to see the grass and seeds are in the soil. It was a fun day!!!
Philip, Ladale, Alex, McKenzie.
Posted on: 2006/5/16 19:09
Re: ISD Bug collection group b |
Just can't stay away
Joined: 2006/2/26 13:02
From US
Posts: 82
Attached are to our charts for bug collection and soil. We enjoy it.
Bug Collection Data Sheet Group B
Date: ___5/16/06______________
Weather: Partly Sunny___________________________________________________
Place 1.Short Grass 2.Leaf Covers 3.Plants 1.Bug Eggs 0 0 100 2.Spiders 1 2 6 3.Grubs 1 0 0 4.Worms 3 2 0 5.Nats 1 0 0 6.Fly 1 2 0 7.Moth 0 1 0 8. Ants 0 4 20 9.Aphid 0 0 10 10.beattle 0 0 1 11.Caterpillar 0 1 0 12.Mosquito 0 0 1
Posted on: 2006/5/17 19:05
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