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Pair Project December Report |
Quite a regular
ÅÐÏ¿Æü: 2006ǯ2·î26Æü
µï½»ÃÏ US
Åê¹Æ: 41
Due to the cold weather there was no work done on the Pair Project for this month. To summarize, both schools have done a stream survey in October to determine water quality. It appears that the water quality is better in Sapporo due to fewer sources of pollution for their stream compared to the stream we surveyed in Ann Arbor.
We plan to survey our Malletts Creek in June when the water is warm, bue realize that this will be at a time when our official partnership with Yamanoteminami Sho Gakko will be complete. We are hoping that our partnership will continue in an informal way, so that we will continue to share issues of the environment with our Japanese friends.
Dave Corsa
Åê¹ÆÆü»þ: 2007ǯ2·î6Æü