Well! My son visited this weekend from China and surprised me by being able to read Kanji. He informed me that many symbols in Japanese are indeed Chinese. Kanji comes from the Han people...Han-ji became Kanji -- or so he says.
Sharai and Kojilla and Mrs. Fukuoka and husband, and respective families, all treated us both to wonderful learning experiences...seeing the festival parades and explaining the significance of ringing the large bell at the shrine, the costumes and all.
Sunday was a treat also in that we visited the wetlands and environs, and they again took the time and trouble to assist us in understanding the impact of man on nature, and efforts to preserve the area. (Wonder if America has learned this lesson about wetlands after Katrina? Qualities of buffering and filtering and even flora and fauna?)
My son, having his dad's Swedish skin, became very sunburned. withn o hat to be found, Koji decided the large leaves of the plentiful butterbur would suffice. Will try to attach a picture!
Cynthia Jones