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Pair Project Explanation |
Just can't stay away
ÅÐÏ¿Æü: 2006ǯ2·î26Æü
µï½»ÃÏ US
Åê¹Æ: 106
Hiroshima Kogo Elementary School and Persell Middle School have selected a pair project titled: Seasonal Changes As Seen Through Schoolyard Trees.
We have each selected 5 trees in our school neighborhoods to examine each month to show any seasonal changed. The trees will be photographed and sent to each other prior to our monthly videoconferences so we can present the changes when we meet face to face. (Obviously, not all trees will show seasonal changes - this will lead to discussions on why, how, etc...)
We selected this project because both Hiroshima and Jamestown experience 4 seasons; with winters being much more severe in Jamestown, and summers more severe in Hiroshima. We have also made a point of selecting some similar trees - maples, and flowering trees to observe.
Each school will print and post the pictures each month for display in the hallways.
Åê¹ÆÆü»þ: 2006ǯ9·î25Æü