Quite a regular
登録日: 2006年2月26日
居住地 US
投稿: 49
Central Elementary, Alabama Ms. Carnes
On Wednesday, January 10, 2007, over 50 fourth grade students sampled three different types of peanuts. The labels on the jars were covered with construction paper that had either 1, 2, or 3 on it so that students were unable to see the various types of peanuts. The students divided a clean sheet of paper into thirds and labeled each part 1-3. The students placed the peanuts from jar one on the first part of the sheet . This method was also done for jars 2 and 3. After sampling the peanuts, the students voted on the peanut they liked best as well as the one they least liked. The students had to guess the type of peanuts in each jar. After guessing the names of each peanut, the construction paper was removed and each peanut name was revealed. This information was compiled and turned into a bar graph. The results are as following:
Preferred # of Students Salty 8 Honey Roasted 46 Roasted 2
Least Preferred # of Students Salty 7 Honey Roasted 5 Roasted 44
投稿日時: 2007年1月10日