Quite a regular
登録日: 2006年2月26日
居住地 US
投稿: 49
The Boise School District has had the privilege of hosting Kinoshita-sensei, vice principal from Fujine Minami Elementary in Fujinomiya.
His visit started Saturday evening with dinner at a nouveau cuisine place in downtown Boise with Doug Smith, my husband and friend, Satoshi Suzuki.
Sunday, Kinoshita toured Boise with Maryann Kojis, a JFMF Alumni, Michelle Lafay and Tomi Mishima, interpreting. Highlights of the day were visits to the World Center for Birds of Prey, home of the Peregrine Fund, and the Idaho State Capital building.
Monday, Kinoshita attended a Gifted and Talented Facilitators' Meeting with me. Naho Nashima served as interpreter. Following the meeting, we all enjoyed Mexican food for lunch and then headed over to Jefferson Elementary for a tour with Wanda Jennings, JFMF Alumni. Mariko Ueda helped out with interpreting. Kinoshita ended the day with a horseback ride at the Kojis Farm.
Tuesday, Kinoshita spent the morning at Longfellow School and the afternoon at Boise High School with Sarah Quilici, JFMF Alumni. Michael Ueda and Michelle La Fay served as interpreters.
Wednesday, Kinoshita visited classrooms at Jackson School. Boise State University students did the interpreting in the morning and Mariko Ueda stayed for interpreting in the afternoon. We had an interesting video conference between teachers at Fujine Minami School, Kinoshita and myself. Nicolas Dias, a multi-lingual Argentinian student did the interpreting for us.
Thursday, Kinoshita spent the morning observing me evaluate a student for gifted services and the afternoon with Tetsuya Ehara, Japanese language professor and Dr. William Parret, education department chair, both from Boise State University. They discussed plans and possibilities for a cooperative language teaching venture between two Japanese universities and two local universities.
Friday, we said our goodbyes and Kinoshita headed back for the east going west.
投稿日時: 2006年11月9日