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December 12, 2006 videoconference |
ÅÐÏ¿Æü: 2006ǯ2·î26Æü
µï½»ÃÏ US
Åê¹Æ: 40
On Dec. 12 at 5:55PM, Dowell E.S. and Onominami had a successful videoconference. The Japanese children brought the bears that were sent to Japan with Mr. Araki, the Principal. The children from Dowell were very excited to see their bears again. We had about 6 children who attended the conference with their parents. At this time of year, families have many obligations so it is difficult for them to come back to school in the evening. The American children shared different items relating to the Christmas holidays such as stockings, ornaments, candles and candy canes. Unfortunately, we got cut off before they could sing some traditional holiday songs. I can only speak for the American kids but they had a great time seeing the children in Japan and learning that their bears had found happy homes. Attached are some photos from the conference.
Åê¹ÆÆü»þ: 2006ǯ12·î14Æü