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December Videoconference Report from Shoreline |
Home away from home
ÅÐÏ¿Æü: 2006ǯ2·î26Æü
µï½»ÃÏ US
Åê¹Æ: 303
Yesterday at 2:00 PST Matsuyama and Tomales had the December videoconference. Students in Matsuyama from the SELHi classes were able to share their journals with American students. We were able to see and understand what they had to say. Today we will be showing our California students the posted photos that Kiwame and Nobu put on xoops yesterday. Our students spent some time asking the Japanese students questions and sharing information regarding Fast Plants, Bugs and Soils and the Pair Project. We were planning to start the conference at 3:00, but the early start allowed my 6th period Photography Class to participate. Unfortunately they are way shy and it was difficult to get them in front of the camera. Even so, it was a great experience and helped them overcome some of their stage fright. Respectfully submitted, Jim McElroy
Åê¹ÆÆü»þ: 2006ǯ12·î19Æü
Re: December Videoconference Report from Shoreline |
Just can't stay away
ÅÐÏ¿Æü: 2006ǯ2·î26Æü
µï½»ÃÏ US
Åê¹Æ: 144
Nice job, Jim. You look great, by the way. Merry Christmas! And all the rest of the salutations.
Cynthia Bellwood Discovery
Åê¹ÆÆü»þ: 2006ǯ12·î20Æü