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From the Superbowl to the Final Videoconference |
Home away from home
ÅÐÏ¿Æü: 2006ǯ2·î26Æü
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Åê¹Æ: 303
Greetings from Tuesday. It's the calm before the storm here in Tomales. Doctor Jones and I have been practicing last week and this final conference technology. With any luck things will go well for us in 3 hours. I'll have some photos of the event to post after the event. All I have to post now are some images from a gathering of my cardplaying friends that occurred Sunday. Rather than Bridge or Poker, we watched the big boys play football in the Florida rain for millions. We had a delightful afternoon along the Russian River. My cabin is in Monte Rio, about 4 miles upstream from this one. Our gathering was between Villa Grande and Duncans Mills, where Austin Creek drains tha Cazadero Canyon into the Russian River (about 8 miles upstream from the esturary in Jenner). This whole area was logged between 1900 and 1910. It was a huge enterprise that involved mills everywhere & trains to haul off the redwood. The place was reduced from a primal forest to stumps in 10 years. It's healed quite a bit, but it must've been something prior to the destruction. All the mills are gone, along with the trains, hotels and the wild rumpus that seems to follow boom towns around. One can easily spend time in the quiet of a redwood forest and not crave a good novel...Cheers, Jim
Åê¹ÆÆü»þ: 2007ǯ2·î6Æü